12 leads cardiology exam over the network

AMPSMedical has developed a Telecardiology system based on the technology developed and tested by AMPS for the analysis of resting ecgs obtained from 12 leads electrocardiographs. The system can be interfaced with a variety of last-generation portable electrocardiographs such as Mortara, Schiller, Spaulding, and others.

AMPS can provide the Telecardiology platform as a service or as a key-in-hand solution for companies willing to operate the service independently. 

The Telecardiology system

For a Video describing the system architecture click here


The AMPSMedical Telecardiology model is based on 3 components: the SITE, the SERVER and the CENTER.

The SITE is a generic geographical location where an ECG machine is installed. For example, a Site could be a private doctor office, a clinic, a nursing home, or an Hospital. The ECG machine must have the capability to transmit the digital signal to a remote location either through a standard telephone line (by modem connection), mobile phone, or through the internet.

The SERVER is the core component of the project and it is where all the ECG records are automatically received and stored in a dedicated database. The Central station also hosts a set of web-based applications that communicate with the internal data base and which allow a generic client to visualize and/or analyze the stored ECG records. More specifically the Central Station will host the ECG management system from AMPS-LLC, which is used worldwide in the pharmaceutical arena and more specifically in the context of clinical trials.

From the Central Station the ECG records are dispatched to the third component of the project, the CENTER. These are cardiologist located worldwide sub-contracted by the organization offering the service who connect to the Central Station via a secure client-server communication channel. The cardiologist logs-in to the system, consult the queue of ECGs assigned and provide an interpretation with an electronic signature. The digital report is sent back to the Central station. Of note, no ECG records will ever be stored on the client (cardiologist) machine. The only software that will be required on the cardiologist machine is the client web interface to the central station.


Depending on the regional requirements the set of cardiologists for a specific implementation is customizable (for example certain institutes may require cardiologist limited to the country where the site is located).


The system is international but the digital reports is generated in the native language. This is ensured though a system of automatic translations within the system (for example a cardiologist in United States will read and interpret ECG and then, in the Central System, the digital report will be automatically translated in the language used at the Site that had generated the ECG).


There are different level of priority for the ECG assigned, which imply different turnaround times. For example certain ECGs will require a 24hour return whereas other will require an immediate response/action.


Once stored in the central system the digital report can be sent back to the original site either electronically (with an internet support) or printed on paper and sent by regular mail.


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