

AMPS has been investing for the last 17 years more than 50% of its annual revenues in Research and Development activities whereby developing and offering a set of software tools dedicated to the manual and automated analysis, processing, and quality assessment of large amounts of ECGs/Holters in the context of Pharmaceutical trials. AMPS is nowadays the leader in this industry and it is estimated that more than 50% of the ecgs submitted each year to the FDA in the context of clinical trials are processed using AMPS software tools.

Based on AMPS' success AMPSMedical has adapted these tools to make them available to the health world (see the ECG and Holter Software pages on this site) and is ideally situated to provide services to the health industy in a number of areas including, but not limited to:

  • Telecardiology
  • Web-based ECG analysis
  • Stress measurement and assessment


AMPSMedical offers these services directly in some selected countries, but is also able to provide the underlying architecture and technology to hospitals and companies intrested to launch and operate these services directly and independently anywhere in the world.

For further information or questions please contact: